суббота, 15 сентября 2012 г.

My new Hair

Hi everyone) Yes I have some problems with blog design - i've lost inspiration and now have crisis period.... maybe I become tooo lonely person, maybe it's because of the weather, anyway bad mood is a bad mood.

I took off all my extensions and yesterday went on work in a wig. It's was pretty funny because no one recognized me. End I had such a hipster outfit.

Also I've invested my money in my hairs and spend omg 400$ for clip-on hair kits.


5 комментариев:

  1. the wig is good for you I like it!
    and the new extension is really nice!^^

  2. Hi! I have extensions too but i'm not very accurate..
    can you make somekind of tutorial how to clip it correct?
    and i have only one set..as i see from the pics you have 2 sets, right?

    1. I have 2 sets because my hairs is not european, I need much more than normal woman - about 250-300 gr. And normal set is 70-100 gr only. My sets is 260 gr.
      You may look there how to put it in right way http://yhst-88462588038071.us-dc1-edit.store.yahoo.net/I/yhst-88462588038071_2049_272893071
