четверг, 27 сентября 2012 г.

Today I had a free time on work Our boss always ask as to try on dresses so like spent time on it)
Valentino Pre fall 12) dress of Emma Watson) Italian 38 fits me  I'm in love with tis dress ^^ especially with huge bow on the side)

Oscar de la Renta Pre fall 12)  we get it few days ago and all looks like little pink pigs)think it's for really thin girls)

Oscar de la Renta Resort 12  dress of Anna Dello Russo from  Vogue)

Carolina Herrera - omg it's so freaky)

среда, 26 сентября 2012 г.


 I've got YSL earrings)) looks pretty awesome Photobucket Hope to get some more accessories in this style)
This is how they looks on me)
Outfits from 2 days) all time wearing Lana's collection) it's comfortable and colorful and I really like it, want some more)
I'm still on diet, but it's cake season on work Photobucket Photobucket

понедельник, 24 сентября 2012 г.

Blue Velvet

I get Lana's collection from H&M) Thank you H&M Photobucket I get some Photobucketmust havePhotobucket looks 
I'm in love with a main set Photobucket Sweater is so soft - want one more)) But pains is super uncomfortable)
Now I'm searching for hair accessorize and earrings)

суббота, 22 сентября 2012 г.

Sponsored Review: Daisy 3-tone Series

Here is one more review about lenses) I was lucky this time - I get Daisy 3T Gray ) They has exactly same effect us I needed and same color)
I liked this series. You eyes looks like they made from glass while you'r wearing them. And in some ways they looks like Nudy Series.
Think they are interesting, and will be great get other colors - good that they have varieties)
You may order it here)