пятница, 30 июля 2010 г.

I'm back from vacations)

Miss all diaries exept russian blog Photobucket it become too boring for me)
So we've back frome Marmaris)Photobucket allready miss it so much) it was fantastic week only for us) so I could walk mostly in fool gyaru outfit) i Russia it too difficult to do  Photobucket so many people called us Barbie & Cindy or Gaga & Beyonce or just cinderellas) it was so cute & people really liked it) & my lovely friend Honeymoon was so sweet in Liz Lisa and in 姫系Photobucket

It so many times saw secrets about friendship, so I'm happy to have gyaru friends Photobucket
I'm really hope that new life starsts soon even for few months))We have now hosto-mama Nana & I have new boyfriend who loves me more than I him) life must be perfect)

среда, 21 июля 2010 г.

Short post

It 1 last day before our trip to Marmaris)Photobucket I try pack my bags......I don't know what to take) 
Have done my nails.....it has super idiots disign now Photobucket
I'm too lazy to do something on my had or my face so try more natural lookPhotobucket............i'm looking much younger with it....i will have complex about my age soon.........Photobucket

воскресенье, 18 июля 2010 г.


Photobucket  I was at Rush place at sunday)) her kitchen has so nice mint color now))
Foun old JSG cardigan) miss thouse days & collection........JSG became so ......ordinary............
And Rush make extantions))so I have long hairs again)

суббота, 17 июля 2010 г.

Alba coat come))

My baby come to me))I'm so happy) it's long & so soft)
Also Mars dress comes too)
Iim working in new studio few weeks already. It's near my home but I'm miss girls from another studio at the city centre))
And found new friend here) she's working in Douglas Rivoli & brought me some presents from her work)

+ Bought new swimwear yesterday))I have AV Moka's look in it XD

воскресенье, 11 июля 2010 г.

Mode style

After posts at Universal doll blog i deside to try mode style a little..don't know why, i even don't like it..think it's to simple & ordinary.......maybe ii'll could make something interesting with it.... so I cut my fringe todayы morning
Don't know if its right or wrong, but my mother like this look


пятница, 9 июля 2010 г.

Hot days)

This summer is too HOT. At the weekands must be +42C Photobucket
I can wear Liz Lisa top Photobucket
Also bought new shoes few days ago))
They was so chip) only 11$) so I take off flowers from them & now they looks pretty good))